Epic Email Marketing as an Opt-in Secrets

Epic Email Marketing as an Opt-in Secrets

About the project

28 Aug 2016
Alfred Norris

About the project

Soooo, let’s take a deep dive into how to create an email course (correction: an epic email course) that you can use as an opt-in for your email list to grow it wildly and to impress your savvy audience. And don’t worry, there are only 18 steps to creating this epicness that people will go insane for.

There are so many legitimate ways to generate great ideas for what you want to communicate through an information product. I shared 15+ of my top ways in the Monetize and Market Your Mind Workshop for free, but let’s get into seven of the most actionable idea-generating categories.

As a freelancer who works on individual projects with clients, you probably have a lot of pre-work, or work you do towards the beginning of your project that can be translated into an information product of some sort—and in this case, perhaps an email course.

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